
Magnesia’s Potassium permanganate plant is a state of the art facility which produces Potassium permanganate of highest purity and standards. The plant is designed to optimum with regards to the utilization of space, machineries and equipments to ensure a high class product and an easy and safe operational setup for Plant personnel. The equipments used in the plant such as Reactors, Filtration equipment, Evaporators, Boiler and Thermic Fluid Heaters, Dryers etc., are of finest quality and ample capacities. The production department of Magnesia Chemicals is responsible for producing high quality products through judicious use of feedstock and utilities.
Quality Control and R & D Lab
The Potassium permanganate Plant of Magnesia Chemicals is furnished with a modern Q C lab which is equipped with latest and high quality analytical instruments to test the raw materials, intermediate stage samples and finished products. The personnel manning the Quality Control department are technically qualified to conduct analysis of the given samples with utmost reliability and integrity. The Quality Assurance department ensures and certifies the applicability of the test procedures and veracity of the test reports generated in the process.